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TradeJustice Ally: TradeJustice Update: Manhattan TPP Organizing Meeting, Zapatista Solidarity Protest, Action Alerts, News, - pls. share w/ Your Organization
TradeJustice Update
Week of 6/18/14

Events This Week
For a complete schedule of our June events, visit http://tradejustice.net/jun2014

Thurs, June 19th, 3PM – June 20th, 5PM: Protest Paramilitary Attacks on Zapatistas
Since the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) rose up in opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 and have continued to stand against free trade agreements like the FTAA, it has faced intense and violent repression from the Mexican government, including recent attacks that left an unarmed teacher dead and many others wounded. Rally to stop possible future attacks by gov't linked paramilitaries. Please, if you can, bring food to share, bottled water, musical instruments and blankets or sleeping bags since we will be there all night. (To learn more about the link between anti-TPP activism and Zapatista solidarity read WHAT DOES THE UPCOMING #ZAPATISTA FREEDOM SCHOOL HAVE TO DO WITH #TPP?, an article by TradeJustice's Malú Huacuja del Toro).
Location: Mexican Consulate, 27 E 39th St between Madison & Park Aves, Manhattan
Directions: 4, 5, 6, or 7 or Times Sq. Shuttle to 42nd Street-Grand Central Terminal.

Thurs, June 19th, 7:00-8:15PM: Manhattan Anti-TPP Organizing Meeting
Peace Action Manhattan will discuss tabling on the West Side & Central Park, passing out info at other events, video production for MNN & other outlets, writing blogs & letters; publicity stunts.
Location: Jerry Moss, 21 W. 86th St. 12th fl.
Directions: 1/2 block from B,C to 86th Street and crosstown bus

Action Alerts

Write Your Senators to Support the Initiative to Cut Off Funding for Trade Negotiations that Undo “Buy American”

Tweet Deborah Wasserman Schultz to Say No to Fast Track!

TradeJustice in Action

TradeJustice Activists Expose Hillary Clinton's Complicity in Bagua Massacre, Support for TPP and Other Job-Killing Trade Deals At Book Tour Kickoff

TradeJustice Activists Reach Out on TPP's Threat to Access to HIV Medications at Brooklyn Pride

News Articles

Teamster Nation: Whoa! U.S. House passes bill banning 'Buy American' waivers for TPP, TTIP

Japan News: Froman: Japan must be part of TPP agreement

Global Post: TPP chief negotiators to meet in Vancouver from July 3

Farm Futures: Livestock Groups Show Concern for TPP During D.C. Hearing

China Post: Taiwan maintains stance on US pork imports

Washington Post: Australia tips trans-Pacific trade pact next year

The Advocate: Lawmakers Urge U.S. to Stand Against Brunei's Antigay Penal Code

Press Releases

Feminist Majority Foundation: Women’s Rights Groups Demand that US Stop Negotiating TPP with Brunei Until the Sultan Revokes New Taliban-Like Laws

Committee on Education and the Workforce Democrats: 153 House Democrats to USTR Froman: Protect Workers’ Rights in TPP Negotiations

Opinion Articles

SBS: Comment: Shrouded in secrecy, opposition to TPP mounts

Springfield News Leader: TPP would hurt farmers, America

The Hill: Peru's “Bagua massacre” haunts the TPP

National TPP Conference Call and Webinar
audio recording, slides, call report and chat box notes

June 1st: TPP's Threat to US Jobs and Businesses
Guests: David Levine, (American Sustainable Business Council) on the effects of FTAs (free trade agreements) on American business, and Rep. Mark Pocan, D-WI, on TPP provisions affecting American businesses and jobs.

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TradeJustice New York  Metro & Occupy Wall Street Trade Justice Working Group

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