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TPP & TTIP News - 9/20/15


Final push for Pacific Rim pact set for end of September

Senators: Address China Currency Manipulation in TPP

Peterson Institute: India can boost exports by $500 billion by joining TPP: report (see also US REPORT PUSHES INDIA TO JOIN TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP)

NZ Trade Minister Groser '90 per cent certain' of TPP success

US Rice Industry Opposes Emerging TPP Deal with Japan

What clothing could the TPP X-Basket Contain

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key addresses flag, TPPA at Nelson aquaculture conference

http://www.agri-pulse.com/Rand-Paul-opens-up-on-trade-the-RFS-and-GMO-labeling-09132015----.aspUS REPORT PUSHES INDIA TO JOIN TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP

Harper’s TPP remarks draw ire of Ontario Govt, Opposition

Cananda's Conservatives rush to resolve TPP auto-parts impasse before election

TPP could have 'catastrophic effects' on Canada's economy: Unifor president

Jeremy Corbyn on TTIP, Trident and the NHS


Commission proposes new Investment Court System for TTIP and other EU trade and investment negotiations

TTIP: EU Commission unveils replacement for controversial ISDS

EU Commission comes up with new transparent model for TTIP trade court

Jeremy Corbyn on TTIP, Trident and the NHS

Trade policies are undermining UK aid efforts, Fairtrade Foundation warns