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MoveOn, TradeJustice and CTC Host Astoria TPP Teach-in

On Saturday, November 2nd 2013 MoveOn.org Civic Action in cooperation with Trade Justice New York Metro and Citizens Trade Campaign hosted a teach organized a teach-in on th Trans-Pacific Partnership at the Church of the Reedemer in Astoria, Queens. The event marked was the first in a series of teach-ins intended to mobilize Queens residents to demand that their Congressmembers opposed TPP and Fast Track.

The presenters were:

Joe Lauria, Moveon Queens Council and Crowley Constituents for TradeJustice

Ken Gale, WBAI's Ecologic

Pete Dolack, Maloney Constituents for TradeJustice and Systemic Disorder blog

Kian Frederick, Citizens Trade Campaign

The event was filmed by Environment TV.

The teach-in was the final event organized by Joe Lauria, a tireless advocate who sadly died unexpectedly several week later. The video and this page are dedicated to Joe's memory.