Joe “Congressman Wall Street” Crowley's 50th
birthday Fundraiser!
Above: Phony Joe pretends to care about saving US jobs. Hold 1% Joe accountable for selling out
workers & the environment by voting for the job-killing Colombia, South Korea and
Panama Free Trade Agreements!
Congressman Crowley to make his 50th birthday
fundraiser a retirement party!
Thursday, March 29th,
5:30-8:30 PM
Grand Hyatt Hotel, 109 East 42nd Street at Grand Central Terminal,
between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue
4, 5, 6, 7, or Times
Square Shuttle to 42nd Street-Grand Central Terminal
(917) 543-2208 or (718) 218-4523 Email:
More info:
Sponsored by
TradeJustice New York
Metro & Occupy Wall Street Trade Justice Working Group
to add your organization to the list of endorsers.
Protest Crowley?
Congressional Rep and Queens Democratic Machine Boss Joseph Crowley,
first won his Congressional seat in an unopposed primary and is
reelected term after term with virtually no electoral opposition.
Crowley has abused this safe seat to continually sell out the
interests of the 99% while taking in big money from the corporate
Crowley heads the New Democrats Coalition, an
alliance of centrist, pro-corporate Democratic legislators tied to
the infamous Democratic Leadership Council. A ProPublica expose
revealed the New Democrats's close ties to “large banks,
pharmaceutical firms, insurance companies, and big-ticket trade
The Office of Congressional Ethics recommended a full-blown
probe of whether improperly solicited donations from corporate
executives just before voting on legislation overhauling Wall Street.
The scrutiny centers on a series of fund-raisers -- including one
Crowley attended last Dec. 10, at which he collected thousands of
dollars from financial power brokers before returning to the Capitol
to vote against a series of amendments that would have imposed
tougher restrictions on Wall Street. Crowley was reported to have
received at least $23,500 before the vote.
As New Democrats
coalition leader, Crowley, a member of the House Ways and Means
Committee, Congressional committee that oversees trade legislation,
pushed Obama to pass free trade agreements with Colombia, South
Korea, and Panama, pressured other Congressmembers to vote for them,
and voted for all three agreements in October – despite knowing
that these agreements will:
- give foreign corporation the
right to sue the US for unlimited sums in international tribunals if
they believe our environmental, health, food safety, and labor laws
interfere with their future potential profits.
- protect the
1% and multinational corporations' use of Panamanian banks to hide
their wealth to avoid paying taxes in the US while vital social
services are cut. This will also help Colombia cocaine cartels linked
to paramilitary terrorist groups launder drug profits.
outsource an estimated 214,000 US jobs – many to exploitative
- exacerbate the destruction of the Amazon
rainforest, Panama's Darien Rainforest and other endangered
ecosystems and wildlife by
oil, mining, logging, natural gas, and plantation agriculture
- ban regulations on Wall Street –
prohibiting rules against toxic derivatives, “too big to fail”,
and commonsense capital controls.
- exacerbate human rights
atrocities and assassinations of labor organizers, indigenous
leaders, Afro-Colombians, environmental and gay rights activists,
judges, journalists, children, and community organizers by
government-linked, right-wing paramilitary death squads working to
advance the interests of Coca-Cola and other US corporations
operating in Colombia. Since the October vote for the Colombia FTA
the assassinations have continued with victims including an election
observer, an indigenous leader, an advocate for the rights of
displaced persons, and a union organizer.
- continue the
displacement of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in Colombia
and Panama.
- expand exports of inhumane, polluting,
dangerous factory farms that produce toxic foods and incubate
diseases like swine flu and bird flu and drive family farmers out of
- limit access to AIDS drugs and other life saving
medications by expanding corporate patent rights on drugs.
encourage the privatization of education and other public services,
making them less affordable for the 99%.
- force South Korea
to eliminate its ban on genetically modified foods and to import US
cars that fail to meet Korean auto emissions standards, exacerbating
climate change.
With Obama negotiating the Trans-Pacific
Partnership, a new, 9 country free trade agreement that looks to be
even worse than the Panama, Colombia, and South Korea Free Trade
Agreements, it's vital that we let Congressman Crowley and other Wall
Street Democrats know that they will be held accountable when they
sell us out to the 1%!