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Anti-TPP Activists Hold Queens TPP Forum

On January 21st, 2016, anti-TPP activists held a forum in Jackson Heights, Queens, within the district of Congressman Joseph Crowley, considered a key swing vote on TPP. The forum was moderated by Pete Sikora (Communication Workers of America). Speakers included Bill Francis (Alliance for Retired Americans); Eric Weltman (Food and Water Watch) on TPP's threat to Food Safety; Alex Gleason, (NYC Central Labor Council) worker issues; Nina Macapinlac, (BAYAN USA) Harm to Philippines; Comrade Shahid (Pakistan USA Freedom Forum) on TPP and Human Trafficking in Malaysia; - Carlos Salamanca (Polo Democratico Alternativo) on Colombia FTA's broken promises; - Stephanie Low (Sierra Club) on TPP's Threat to the Environment; Leandra Requena (Peruvians in Action) on TPP Resistance in Peru; and Adam Weissman (Trade Justice).

The forum was sponsored by Food & Water Watch, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, New York State Alliance for Retired Americans, Communication Workers of America, Big Apple Coffee Party, Global Justice for Animals and the Environment, MoveOn NYC, and Polo Democratico Alternativo-NY

The event was recorded by Joe Friendly