TradeJustice Activsts Warn of FTA Risks to Animals and the Environment at NJ Vegetarian Meetup

Adam explains how the US corporate meat producers have financially benefited with the passage of each successive FTA
On Thursday, August 18, 2011, TradeJustice activists Adam Weissman of Global Justice for Animals and a representative of the New York Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) presented on the harm free trade agreements pose to the environment and animals at a meeting of the Hackensack / Teaneck Veggie Vegan Meetup Group. The presentation was part of TradeJustice's effort to alert and mobilize activists in Steve Rothman's Northern New Jersey Congressional district to press Rothman to vote against the Korea-US FTA.
The CISPES representative spoke on Pacific Rim Mining Company's CAFTA investor-state lawsuit against El Salvador and we showed the video of our action for the International Day of Protest Against Mining and Free Trade in El Salvador:
Adam presented excerpts from Global Justice for Animals and the Environment's slideshow
After the presentation, attendees discussed strategies and action ideas to inform Rothman's constituents and urge Rothman to vote against the Korea FTA.
Thanks to Gregory York of the Hackensack / Teaneck Veggie Vegan Meetup Group for helping to arrange this event!
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