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Trans-Pacific Partnership Week of Action:
TradeJustice and AIDS Activists Protest Obama and Pfizer's Complicity in Limiting Access to Lifesaving Generic Drugs
July 2, 2012

Media Advisory: Obama Dances with Pfizer Lobbyist in Trans-Pacific Partnership Street Theater Protest

Photos from the Protest (free to reproduce)

Photos by Richard Levine. (permission required to reproduce)

Photos by Scott Houston (free for non-commercial reproduction, can be purchased for commercial reproduction)

Videos from the Protest

Form Letter: Defend Access to AIDS Drugs and Other Life-Saving Medicines! NO TPP! - 2 per page - copy, cut, fill out and mail to the address on the bottom of the form

Obama/Pfizer Mock Money Front & Back - 3 per page - copy, cut, and distribute

The Trans-Pacific Partnernship and Access to Medicines

Additional Information on the Trans-Pacific Partnership