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Congressman Grimm and His Challenger Commit
to Oppose TPP at Staten Island Forum

Democratic Congressional Candidate Dominick Reccia announces his opposition to TPP and Fast Track.

Read the press release

View photos from the event.

Read Representative Grimm's letter.

Watch Congressional candidate's Dominick Recchia's speech:

Additional Presentations from the Event

Adam Weissman, TradeJustice New York Metro: What is the TPP?

Mary Hernandez, Staten Island Unitarian Church, Social Justice Committee: Organizing in Mexico During NAFTA

Hyun Lee, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development: The Geopolitics of TPP and Obama's Pacfic Pivot

Reverend Bob Emerick, Bay Ridge Peace Action: Economic Effects of TPP

Sole' Haren, Build a Better Planet: The Environmental Consequences of the TPP

Alex Beauchamp of Food and Water Watch on TPP's threat to our food and water supply

Steve Lawton of Communication Workers of America Local 1102: Labor's Race to the Bottom: Poverty and Violence