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Weekly Update


TradeJustice and Health GAP activists wearing Pinocchio noses expose US Trade Rep Michael Froman's lies
a Bloomberg-sponsored, Pfizer-funded conference on how to push TPP through Congress.

Events This Week

For a complete list of our upcoming events, visit http://tradejustice.net/?page=May14Events

Sat, May 24th, 1-4PM: March Against Monsanto

TPP will be among the focal issues for this march. TradeJustice activists will be at the march to present teach-ins, distribute literature and encourage participants to sign form letters explaining urging Congress to stop Monsanto's TPP attack on food safety. When you arrive, call us so we can meet you in the crowd and give you signs, leaflets, etc. Malu Huacuja del Toro (Zapatista solidarity activist) will speak on the link between NAFTA, TPP, and Monsanto and Malu and Adam Weissman will lead in-depth breakout discussions on why Monsanto supports free trade agreements like TPP and how we can stop them. Volunteers are needed for anti-TPP street theater and fliering and petitioning vs. TPP and Monsanto. Please call in advance if you'd like to participate and be sure to see us out at the march!

Location: Union Square, 14th Street and Broadway

Directions: N, R, Q, 4,5, 6, or L to 14th Street-Union Square.

Contact: Carlos at (646) 416-3440

RSVP and Additional Info:

Want to do TPP outreach at a march against Monsanto in another city? You can print and distribute this flier: http://wetlands-preserve.org/phpUpload/uploads/Monsanto_Flier_Oct_2012%20-%20National.pdf

and print and cut this form letter (2 to a page), attach copies to clipboards, ask marchers to sign copies, and mail them to the address on the bottom: http://wetlands-preserve.org/phpUpload/uploads/Monsanto_TPP_and_Fast_Track_Petition.pdf

Fri, May 30th-Sun, June 1st TPP Outreach @ Left Forum

We'll be tabling outside the Left Forum throughout the weekend. When people leave after plenaries in the evening, we'll be waiting at the exit to ask them to sign letters to Congress vs. TPP and Fast Track and to give them informational literature and our events calendars. If you plan on attending the Forum, you can also help get the word out inside – we can give you clipboard, letters, and literature to take in with you. Please contact us IN ADVANCE if you'd like to help – either outside or inside.

Contact (in advance): Adam at (718) 218-4523 or email adam@tradejustice.net

Location: John Jay College, 524 West 59th St., Manhattan (between 10th and 11th Aves)

Directions: A, C, D, E, or 1 to 59th St- Columbus Circle. Walk west.

RSVP and Additional Info:

Sun June 1st, 7:30-9PM: National TPP Conference Call

w/ Rep. Mark Pocan and David Levine (American Sustainable Business Council)
RSVP and Additional Info

TradeJustice in Action - Videos and Photos

Panel: What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership? (Bay Ridge)

Part 1

Part 2

Panel: TPP and Global Resistance to "Free Trade"

Action: TradeJustice and HealthGap Activists in Pinnochio Noses Expose USTR Froman's Lies at Corporate Conference

New Literature (PDFs)

Portions of some these publications were adapted from materials by groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, and OpenMedia.org)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Undermine Internet Freedom

(half-page, two sided)

Form Letter: SAVE THE INTERNET! No Fast Track for Internet-Killing Trade Agreements!

(half page, one sided)

The Polluters' Powergrab: TPP Will Help Corporation Attack Our Environmental Laws!

(quarter page, two sided)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership's Attack on Jobs and Labor Rights

(full page, 2 sided)


Huffington Post: EU Pushing for Expanded US Fracking in TTIP Memo

Citizens Trade Campaign: http://www.citizenstrade.org/ctc/blog/2014/05/15/colombia-labor-rights-abuses-still-rampant/

Public Services International: International Trade Union Confederation delegates give a resounding “No” to Trans Pacific Partnership

Doctors Without Borders (MSF): As TPP negotiations re-start, MSF says still time to fix fatal flaws for access to medicines


Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch: On Eve of ‘Check In’ Ministerial, Top 10 Signs That Obama Administration Should Call It Quits on Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations

Conservative Websites vs. Fast Track and TPP

(TradeJustice does not endorse everything at these sites, but is providing the links to help activists better understand resistance to Obama's trade agenda from the right)


Obama Shreds the Constitution