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Free Trade Agreements
Action Alert

Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership:

Endangering Our Food, Health, & Environment

Panel Discussion & Organizing Meeting

Tues, Nov 27th, 2012, 6:30-9:30PM

Metropolitan Community Church of NY, 446 W. 36th St. bet. Dyer & 10th Avenues, Manhattan


- Ana Maria Quispe-Piscoya (GMO activist) on how TPP will attack bans on genetically modified foods

- Amanda Lugg (Health Global Access Project) on how TPP will limit access to generic drugs

- Adam Weissman (Global Justice for Animals and the Environment) on how TPP will attack bans on fracking and other environmental laws

6:30-8 PM: Join a panel of experts at to learn more about TPP.

8-9:30 PM Join activists to plan a campaign to stop it!

Suggested Donation: $5-15 (free if you can't afford to pay!)

RSVP & Additional Info: http://tradejustice.net/tppforums

Organizations: To Endorse: http://tradejustice.net/nov27endorse

Downloadable Flier: http://tradejustice.net/nov27fly

(copy same original on both sides and cut into four quarter page sized fliers)

Info: Phone: (718) 218-4523 Email: info@tradejustice.net Web: http://tradejustice.net


By Subway: A, C, or E to West 34th Street. Walk or take the M34 bus to Dyer Avenue.  Walk North to 36th Ave and west (in the direction of 10th Avenue.  Church is on the South Side of the Street.

By Bus: M34 to Dyer Ave.  Walk North to 36th Ave and west towards 10th Ave.  Church is on the South Side of the Street.


American Jobs Alliance; Brooklyn for Peace; Center for Health, Environment, and Justice; Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines; Global Justice for Animals and the Environment; Mingas Network; Occupy Wall Street Environmental Solidarity Working Group; Occupy Wall Street Trade Justice Working Group; Sane Energy Project; and TradeJustice New York Metro.

What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a massive proposed expansion of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 11 countries are part of TPP negotiations and more are expected to join. TPP negotiations are being conducted in secret – the public, the media, non-governmental organizations, and even member of Congress have been denied access to the negotiating texts of the agreement – but 600 corporate advisers have full access and in collusion with the Obama administration have been shaping an agreement that will advance their interests at the expense of the public interest.

Pharmaceutical companies are pushing for expanded intellectual property rights that will drive many generic drugs out of the marketplace- a death sentence for people who cannot afford exorbitantly priced brand-named drugs for life-threatening illnesses like AIDS.

Biotech and agribusiness corporations and the US government, want to include rules that will force countries to drop their bans on dangerous genetically modified foods – and would even attack government labeling programs for GMO foods!

Corporate polluters, including the hydrofracking industry, benefit from TPP's investor provisions, which give investors in any TPP nation the power to sue the government of another nation if that nation's environmental laws prevent those investors from profit from environmental destruction.