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Tools For Activists

Action Organizing Manual for Stop the Suits Campaign

Chant Sheet (excerpted from manual)


CAFTA's Golden SWINDLE: the ugly truth about Pacific Rim and Commerce Group English or Spanish


Postcard Against Assassination of Anti-Mining Activists English or Spanish

Pacific Rim Stop the Suit Postcard (English and Spanish)

Logos for Signs, Stickers, and Labels

Pacific Grim Logo

Mock Pacific Rim Logo (right-click (PC) or Command-click (Mac) to download)

Label for Cyanide Mineral Water Bottles

Images for Props and Posters

How to use these: Print the graves on 11X17 paper and line them up with the shadows. Print the skull-bride at 3'X5' and paint on a gold wedding ring (Kinkos does this for $.75/ft). Fut the images out. They can be mounted on cardboard for use in street theater. Or they can be wheat-pasted -- please ONLY do this in places where you have the permission of the property owner! Wheat-pasting without permission is graffiti and is illegal.

Gold Death Bride

Gravestones for Murdered Anti-Mining Activists

Marcelo Rivera

Dora “Alicia” Recinos Sorto

Felicita Echavarria

Ramiro Rivera

Shadows for Gravestones