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What is TradeJustice Alliance?

TradeJustice Alliance (formerly the National TPP Team) is a coalition of organizations working together in opposition to unfair trade deals. We collaborate at the national/international level in producing resources for grassroots activists including webinars and an e-newsletter. We are also working to build a network of local organizer contacts and affiliated local coalitions of grassroots organizations collaborating to stop TPP and other unjust trade agreements.

Volunteer Teams

We currently have three volunteer teams:

Call Planning Team - schedules and plans webinars, books speakers, creates presentations, runs webinars - email alliance @ tradejustice . net to join the team!

Call Outreach and Promotion Team- recruits co-sponsorships for webinars, promotes upcoming webinars - join our email list here!

E-Newsletter Team - produces and distributes our e-newsletter - email alliance @ tradejustice . net to join the team!

Regional Contacts

Northeast: Adam Weissman: adam @ tradejustice.net (no spaces)

Southeast: Harriet Heywood: harriet @ tradejustice.net (no spaces)

Midwest: Mara Cohen: mara @ tradejustice.net (no spaces)

Local Coalitions

TradeJustice New York Metro