Alliance for Responsible Trade
The alliance is a national coalition of organizations working for just
and sustainable trade policies.
Alternative for
the Americas
Takes you to the 54-page document outlining a progressive vision of
socially responsible and environmentally sustainable international
American Friends Service Committee Trade Matters Program
AFSC's Trade Matters program is no longer active, but via this link you can see an archived version of their webpage, which contains much useful information.
Anita Roddick
Offers information about the new book Take it Personally: How Globalization Affects You and How to Fight Back by Anita Roddick, activist, author and founder of The Body Shop. The book highlights some of Anita's own experiences as well as the work of individuals and groups including Global Exchange working to change the business practices of some of the worst violators of human rights. is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements
that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations.
Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health - CPATH
The Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health (CPATH) brings a public health voice to the debate on trade and sustainable development. We conduct research, policy analysis and advocacy in the interest of protecting and improving the health of individuals, communities and populations; expanding access to health-related services; and advancing global economic policies that are democratic, sustainable, and socially just..
Coalition for a Prosperous America
The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) is working for a new and positive U.S. trade policy that delivers prosperity and security to America, its citizens, farms, factories and working people. We are an unrivaled coalition of manufacturing, agricultural, worker, consumer and citizen interests working together to re-build an America for ourselves, our children and our grand-children. We believe America can provide good jobs for workers, affordable goods for consumers, opportunity for farms and manufacturers and a clean environment without compromising our national sovereignty and security. We are committed to achieving this outcome. The Coalition for a Prosperous America is a nonprofit organization representing the interests of 2.7 million households through our agricultural, manufacturing and labor members.
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, based in Washington, D.C., is a national activist organization with chapters in various cities in the United States. CISPES supports the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front and the progressive social movement in El Salvador.
Common Frontiers
Common Frontiers is a Canadian organization that confronts, and proposes
an alternative to, the social, environmental and economic effects of
economic integration in the Americas. The organization was born out of the
recognition that popular opposition to corporate managed trade must not only
cooperate across sectors nationally but also across borders.
Citizens Trade Campaign
The Citizens Trade Campaign (CTC) is a national coalition of environmental, labor, consumer, family farm, religious, and other civil society groups founded in 1992 to improve the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). We are united in a common belief that international trade and investment are not ends unto themselves, but instead must be viewed as a means for achieving other societal goals such as economic justice, human rights, healthy communities, and a sound environment.
Development Group for Alternative Policies
Since 1976, the Development Group for Alternative Policies (The
Development GAP) has worked to ensure that the knowledge, priorities and
efforts of the men and women of the South inform decisions made in the North
about their economies and the environments in which they live.
Economic Policy Institute
Economy in Crisis: America's Economic Report - Daily
Economy In Crisis, INC. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to educating legislators and the American public on the destruction of our country's industrial base, the impact this has on national and economic security, and how it effects our standard of living. We publish critical but overlooked facts and figures, keeping our readers up-to-date with daily articles regarding the U.S. economy.
We compare what led to American industrial and economic world leadership with current policies and the present crippling of our industries. We then objectively extrapolate the near-term outlook and risks for our country, businesses and individuals. When possible we offer solutions to our weakening economic condition.
Out of concern for America's deteriorating economic condition, those responsible for donate their expertise and time. Economy In Crisis does not support any political organization or corporate interest.
Eyes on Trade: Public Citizen's Blog About Globalization and Trade
Eyes on Trade is a blog by the staff of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch (GTW) division. GTW aims to promote democracy by challenging corporate globalization, arguing that the current globalization model is neither a random inevitability nor "free trade." Eyes on Trade is a space for interested parties to share information about globalization and trade issues, and in particular for us to share our watchdogging insights with you!
Forum on Democracy and Trade
The Forum is a national network of state and local officials and an international network of public officials and policy experts concerned about trade policy, sustainable development and democratic governance, locally and globally.
Global Justice for Animals and the Environment
Global Justice for Animals and the Environment exists to provide an uncompromising voice for animals and the planet in the fight against pro-corporate free trade agreements. Recognizing the human dimension of environmental crises, we work in solidarity with communities at the frontlines of environmental defense struggles created or exacerbated by free trade. In place of the neoliberal model of globalization, we seek to promote economies that are just, local, and sustainable.
Government of Canada FTAA
Canadian proposals have been submitted to FTAA negotiating groups on
market access, government procurement, agriculture, competition policy, and
subsidies and antidumping/countervailing duties. These proposals are
currently available on the Department of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade's FTAA Web site at
Hemispheric Social Alliance
The Hemispheric Social Alliance is a forum where progressive
organizations and movements from around the Americas can gather, strategize,
share information, and plan joint actions. Sites in both English and Spanish.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
IATP works with organizations around the world to analyze how global trade agreements impact domestic farm and food policies. Alongside a global coalition, IATP advocates for fair trade policies that promote strong health standards, labor and human rights, the environment and, most fundamentally, democratic institutions.
Institute for Central American Development
Based in Costa Rica, ICADS is a center for study, research and analysis
of Central American issues in such areas as economic development,
agriculture, women's issues and the environment.
Institute for Policy Studies: Global Economy Project
For more than a quarter century, IPS has been a leader in strengthening citizen responses to the global economy through research, writing, film, education, and coalition building. The project has produced dozens of books, articles, films, and educational materials.
Latin America Working Group
The Latin America Working Group is one of the nation's longest standing coalitions dedicated to foreign policy. The Latin America Working Group and its sister organization, the Latin America Working Group Education Fund, carry out the coalition's mission to encourage U.S. policies towards Latin America that promote human rights, justice, peace and sustainable development. LAWG promotes the interests of over 60 major religious, humanitarian, grassroots and policy organizations to decision makers in Washington. We are a trusted voice in Congress, and provide guidance to policymakers who want their decisions to be grounded in human rights.
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns: Trade/Investment
Catholic organization clarifying the links between their experience on the ground, and systems or structures that create or perpetuate poverty, human rights violations, conflict, and environmental destruction.
Movement for Peace in Colombia
The Movement for Peace in Colombia (MfPiC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting human rights and peace in Colombia through coalition-based advocacy and education. MfPiC brings Colombian civil society voices to the U.S. policy debate by coordinating communication and collaborative efforts among our Colombian counterparts and U.S. non-governmental organizations and grassroots networks.
Organizing against the FTAA in Latin America (En Español)
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch was created in 1993 to promote government and
corporate accountability in an area on which few public interest groups were
focused: the international commercial agreements shaping the current version
of globalization.
Resource Center of the Americas
The Resource Center of the Americas provides information and develops
programs that demonstrate the connections between the peoples of Latin
America, the Caribbean, and the United States.
CAFTA is a "free" trade agreement that includes the United States, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic may also be added to the group (Costa Rica has not ratified the agreement). The Stop CAFTA Coalition is a network of solidarity organizations in the United States that has worked in coordination with partners in Central America to oppose CAFTA since its inception in 2002.
Stop Peru FTA
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch was created in 1993 to promote government and
corporate accountability in an area on which few public interest groups were
focused: the international commercial agreements shaping the current version
of globalization. TradeReform is a blog created and sponsored by the Coalition for a Prosperous America that discusses U.S. trade policy. The posts and commentary are not necessarily the official policy or views of CPA. encourages participation and lively debate.
U.S. Trade Representative
The US Trade Representative negotiates trade agreements on behalf of the US presidential administration.
Washington Office on Latin America
WOLA promotes human rights, democracy, and social justice by working with partners in Latin America and the Caribbean to shape policies in the United States and abroad.
Wetlands Activism Collective
Recognizing the common roots of all forms of oppression, Wetlands Activism Collective fights for human, earth, and animal liberation through protest, direct action, street theater, political advocacy, and public education.
Witness for Peace
Witness for Peace (WFP) is a politically independent, nationwide grassroots organization of people committed to nonviolence and led by faith and conscience. WFP’s mission is to support peace, justice and sustainable economies in the Americas by changing U.S. policies and corporate practices which contribute to poverty and oppression in Latin America and the Caribbean.
WTO Watch
Maintained by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, WTO Watch is a website providing regular updates on global trade policies.